Male Infertility

 Healthy lifestyle and diet naturally enhance male fertility potential and have natural remedies work for you! Fertility herbs have been used to bust male fertility for hundreds of years.  Herbs are ‘natural’ medications with a moderate potential to increase fertility, but herbs may have site- effects. Safe and most effective when supervised by licensed professional. Natural remedies are not effective for very low sperm counts

Abnormal Semen Analysis

Male infertility (male factor) is diagnosed by abnormal semen analysis, that examines sperm quality) is responsible for approximately half of all infertility cases. Egg rejects defective sperm in the failed egg (oocyte) fertilization process. Inseminations, medications and varicocele surgery are effectively used to improve sperm quality and capability to fertilize egg. Sperm production (count) and sperm motility (swimming) respond better to treatments then sperm defective morphology (abnormal shape), main cause of long-standing male infertility. Treatment recommendations are made today based on women’s age and both partners diagnosis to benefit infertile couple. For example, for women tubal factor (blocked fallopian tubes), IVF became primary infertility treatment regardless of sperm quality


Varicocele, dilatation of the scrotal veins, detected by physical exam and confirmed by ultrasound, is associated with diminished sperm production (low count) and low motility (slow movement). Surgery used to be recommended routinely for men diagnosed with varicocele. Additional prolonged medication protocols usually followed.

Inseminations (IUI) with Partner Sperm

 Inseminations (IUI) with Partner Sperm IUI is a medical procedure to introduce sperm separated from seminal fluid into women uterus (womb). Couple with partner having over 5 million motile sperm count in ejaculate benefit from inseminations the most. IUIs are primary treatment for erectile dysfunction. 

IVF with ICSI and TESA

Complex cases, very low sperm counts (less then 5 million motile sperm in ejaculate), failed inseminations and cases of azoospermia (no sperm) are indications with insemination IUI. For IVF with ICSI with a single sperm injected inside the egg No Sperm (Azoospermia) and TESA.In the past, men with no sperm in semen analysis (azoospermia) never fathered a biological child. TESA, procedure to recover sperm from testes followed by ICSI (sperm injection inside the egg), now offers 50% pregnancy rates for azoospermia in men. With TESA, small needle is used to sample testicular tissue with no bleeding and no stitches needed. Sperm obtained from the testis is too immature and weak to be used for insemination and ICSI is a technique of choice to fertilize eggs with testicular sperm TESA sperm can be cryopreserved (frozen) and stored for the future use with over 80% recovery rate. TESA is effectively used for men who earlier underwent vasectomy and superior to reversal surgery.

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