Today women over forty tend to be fit and healthy. Advances in medical science improved treatment of many medical ailments and patients are happy to fully enjoy life More women in forties and fifties are fit for motherhood. Are the forties ‘new thirties?’ Perhaps not, but older mothers make a new trend in our society. Many well-liked celebrities lead by example as they had her children later in life with facts to prove it: Nancy Grace and Geena Davis; both twins at 48, Marcia Cross and Jane Seymour, both twins at 44, Holly Hunter pregnant at 47, Cheryl Tiegs, twins at 52 and that list is growing
Premature Menopause
Menopause is premature for women who lost menses under age of 40 and typically is preceded by diminished ovarian reserve, AMH less then 1, and with less and poor- quality eggs. Menopausal ovaries, including premature menopause, produce no eggs and no hormones needed to sustain menstrual cycles necessitating egg donation to become pregnant
Pregnancy with Donor Egg
Donor egg pregnancy is more appealing option then ADOPTION for many patients ready to start new family. Women after menopause who want to get pregnant utilize donor eggs (oocytes) the most. Donated oocytes come from healthy, young women known to the recipient (directed donors), usually family members and friends or from anonymous (donors unknown to recipients) with pregnancy rates 60- 65% in our oocyte recipients that resulted in live births, and higher than national rates (below 45%). Our oldest first- time mother was 55 and with pleasure we report that she is very happy to enjoy her son childhood!